Teen & Tween Vaccine Rewards

Teen & Tween Vaccine Rewards

Teen & Tween Vaccine Rewards

Tween & Teen Vaccine Rewards

As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to more age groups, it is important to keep your patients safe by encouraging them to get the shot, if they are able. Does your practice administer vaccines? Even better! SmileMakers wants healthcare providers to make the world a safer, happier place. Here are a few ideas to get the word out and encourage vaccination with your patient base:

Post to social media

This is a fast, simple way to let patients know that teens are now eligible for the vaccine. (If your practice is administering vaccines, let them know they can get it from you, someone they know and trust!) Getting the shot from a trusted healthcare provider is a much more ideal situation than going to an unfamiliar pharmacy or another office. Since many parents are already trying to take advantage of summertime to schedule their kids' dentist's and doctor's appointments, this is a great way to tackle multiple tasks at once.

Let patients know you offer the vaccine:

Tween & Teen Vaccine Rewards

We suggest communicating this message in various ways and using different mediums. Write emails to your patient base, create social media posts, and place signage inside and outside your office to drive traffic, even send a postcard and let people know that you're offering shots! Check out our COVID Vaccine Signage and Marketing Materials to help get the message across.

Reward your vaccinated patients

Tween & Teen Vaccine Rewards

Prizes aren't just for younger children. Teens and tweens appreciate the thoughtful gesture of a reward just as much. Check out our Teen and Tween Vaccine rewards that meet kids of all ages where they're at. The "Relax, I'm Vax'd" sticker resonates with tweens and has just the right amount of sass to be fitting for a teen as well. Water bottles and other accessories are also beloved by tweens and teens - especially if they can choose from an assortment of colors and personalize them with stickers.

Encourage Healthy Habits and Behaviors with SmileMakers

Pediatric practices aren't just for small children, and SmileMakers wants to make your office enjoyable for kids of all ages. Rewards and accessories for tweens and teens can go a long way. We're proud to be here for healthcare providers and lend a hand when it comes to getting the word out and getting shots into arms!

2021-08-12 19:25:00 14 viewed