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SmileMakers has all your needs for Children's Dental Health Month!
Hold education sessions with local schools.
Use SmileMakers dental puppets to teach proper brushing, dress like the Tooth Fairy, and hand out sugar-free lollipops, the ideas are endless with all that SmileMakers has to offer!
Save time and money!
Make dental health fun with our complete bundles! Tired of searching for the perfect supplies for Children's Dental Health Month? Look no further! Our bundles have everything you need to educate and excite young minds about oral hygiene!
Brand while you teach!
Don't forget to get your practice name out there while you are helping spread the word during Children's Dental Health Month. Showcase your brand on every toothbrush you hand out!
Don't forget dental hygiene kits!
Keep patients on the road to healthy smiles with our zippered bag dental kits. They are prepackaged, sealed, sanitary, and completely customizable to fit your patients needs!